

B.Pipple’s Suites is your preferred relaxation destination out of the bustling city of Lagos. Situated in a serene environment in Mowe, Ogun state close to Abeokuta with proximity to the famed Olumo-rock.

Unlimited Wi-Fi

in every room

Rooms Heating

whole year

Air Conditioning

whole year

Bedroom Comforts

best conditions

Bathroom Essentials

highest comfort

Flatscreen Television

satellite TV

Served Breakfast

right in bed

1 Car Parking

for all vehicle

Bars & Restaurants

By staying with us, you will indulge yourself with mouth-watering dishes, which are the calling card of the region. You will also have an opportunity to taste traditional snacks. We serve delicious food from the local cuisine made with the natural ingredients from local farms, vegetarian food is included as well.

Open hours: 8 am – 7 pm